Goa under the Portuguese rule used to be a hub for handloom weaving and many weavers had flourishing workshops that produced Kunbi sarees & kashtis.
Bengal is famous for its weaving tradition, many small towns like Fulia, Baluchari, Begampur, Atpur are keeping this culture alive.
to make chau mask, Wool, jute, foil, bamboo sticks, plastic flowers and beads are used for ornamentation.
Before one starts to weave a Kani shawl the design or the pattern has to be made. It is given to a Naaqash to draw a pattern..
This makes the art of writing Talim a specialized practice and forms the foundation of the carpet industry.
All the craft articles made were for everyday use, for cooking and serving… Other commonly used articles were, Lota (pot), Tream (plate), Naer (water jug), Tash Near (portable handwash), dishes, bowls and laddles… and many more…”
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