to make chau mask, Wool, jute, foil, bamboo sticks, plastic flowers and beads are used for ornamentation.
“Every year vines grow taller & fatter…they cling to every support on their way, suck
All the craft articles made were for everyday use, for cooking and serving… Other commonly used articles were, Lota (pot), Tream (plate), Naer (water jug), Tash Near (portable handwash), dishes, bowls and laddles… and many more…”
While the whole world is going nuts creating and apparently solving complexities, there still are
He loved her. She right back at him. They lived in the hills amidst vast
They call themselves the ‘triumphant (through) water buffalo’. They are the Minangkabaus. The tribe inhabits
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Gaatha brings to you, traditional handicrafts and the culture
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