It is a six inch round everyday breakfast bread. A small ball of dough is spread across a stone platform with the palm dipped in milk. Texturing it with the impression of the fingers, the naan-wai pulls the stretchy dough off the stone and slaps it on the warm oven wall gently. It come out with golden on the upper side and white on the lower and is usually had with butter or jam along with nun-chai.
A mother, wife, daughter, sister, a farmer, a mason, a carpenter, a cattle rearer, a sweeper,
Today we craft our 50th tale …. We hope that in the past 49 we could for
eather shadow puppetry of Andhra Pradesh is known as Tholu Bommalata, (Tholu – leather, Bommalata – puppet dance). Two other kinds of shadow puppetry are practiced in Andhra Pradesh, the Sutram Bommalata (String puppets) and the Koyya Bommalata(Wooden puppets). The leather puppets, because of their transparency and jewel like glow, are most popular.
Handicraft ~ The act of ‘hand-crafting’ an object to suffice a daily chore; to pacify
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Gaatha brings to you, traditional handicrafts and the culture
behind them, directly from the very home of the
Indian artisan.
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