The village is said to have been chosen by the king Sveta Chalapati Rangarao for making of this instrument for the quality of sound the craftsmen here could achieve was to be found nowhere else. Veena, the soul of Carnatic music finds place in the hands
Darsana sparsane chasya bhoga svargapavargade | Punito viprahatyadi patakaih patitam janam || Danda sambhuruma tantri
eather shadow puppetry of Andhra Pradesh is known as Tholu Bommalata, (Tholu – leather, Bommalata – puppet dance). Two other kinds of shadow puppetry are practiced in Andhra Pradesh, the Sutram Bommalata (String puppets) and the Koyya Bommalata(Wooden puppets). The leather puppets, because of their transparency and jewel like glow, are most popular.
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