Goa under the Portuguese rule used to be a hub for handloom weaving and many weavers had flourishing workshops that produced Kunbi sarees & kashtis.
The Changpas of Ladakh consist of four tribes further divided into fourteen groups, with an average of 130 families per group.
They are a sight to behold, a conversation so musical, a feeling so warm.... they are the people of Kashmir... in their land.
The story as told by the boatman goes…. A Kashmiri Pandit, Naraindas had a shop that used to cater to the needs of the tourists.
Gazing into infinity… into the dark sky Twinkle one…two…three… Twinkle four…five… six…! Blink one…two…three… Blink
A house, she wanted to build, with every twig and stone the earth embraced, bonding
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