Handicrafts of India

अभिनन्दन from Gaatha

Gaatha project was originally conjured only for researching and documenting the rapid erosion of Indian craft clusters and heritage. However, we soon learnt from the artisans themselves that need was not to do research alone, but to restore ‘pride and serious commercial opportunity’ in their ecosystem. Today Gaatha thus aims to bring the lost respect and wealth back to these beautiful and aesthetically rich Indian handicraft clusters. These researches are important because just like Industrial goods sell on ‘features’, crafts sell on the processes / stories / heritage that go into making them.

We should give crafts a fair chance, someone is right now merrily making something for us, singing a folk song, in a humble house, deep inside India.

Buy: Indian Handicrafts Online
Research & Archive: Indian Crafts

‘Gaatha’ meaning ‘a great story’, has been functioning in the craft sector for over five years now. With its many amazing stories of Indian Handicrafts that have been shared with the audience, Gaatha has been actively supporting the Indian artisan community by providing them a unique platform for their products and unique voices. It’s the transfer of this value-system more than the handicraft itself, which is the objective of the ‘Gaatha’ project.

Above all, we want to identify Handicrafts of India & recognize the faceless artisan all over the world.

(A Blog on Indian Handicrafts)

dindigul silk weaver tamil nadu

Pattunulkarar – The Silk Weaver

they reached Madurai & mesmerized by the spiritual aura, finally settled in & later dispersed to various other places in Tamil Nadu from there, one of them being the Dindigul region. Their skill earned them the title of “Pattunulkarar”, meaning “the silk weaver”,
women weaving koorainadu sari

Koorai Pattu Pudavai

Koorai Pattu Pudavai, a sari for the lasting journey of marriages worn by women folk of a few casts of Hindu Community of Tamil Nadu
Muthwa women kutch

A stitch, a leap!

Mutwa embroidery… the embroidery of a girl who travels far in her imagination while social confines keep her within limits.

Waves of a Desert…

Kevat community wears only red Bandhani turban at all occasions. Jat community in Narwa village wears a bright yellow turban.


Goa under the Portuguese rule used to be a hub for handloom weaving and many weavers had flourishing workshops that produced Kunbi sarees & kashtis.


Indian Tribe poster

Gaatha brings you Know Your Native, where we help you join hands with various different tribal communities in India and distinguish one tribe from another by understanding their culture, ornamentation, clothing, hairstyles and other various practices.
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Indian handicrafts film

Short films on handicrafts of India, learn about the beautiful history, folk tales, customs, significance, Traditional Designs & making process.
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Gaatha awards
Gaatha media coverage