Handicrafts of India

अभिनन्दन from Gaatha

Gaatha project was originally conjured only for researching and documenting the rapid erosion of Indian craft clusters and heritage. However, we soon learnt from the artisans themselves that need was not to do research alone, but to restore ‘pride and serious commercial opportunity’ in their ecosystem. Today Gaatha thus aims to bring the lost respect and wealth back to these beautiful and aesthetically rich Indian handicraft clusters. These researches are important because just like Industrial goods sell on ‘features’, crafts sell on the processes / stories / heritage that go into making them.

We should give crafts a fair chance, someone is right now merrily making something for us, singing a folk song, in a humble house, deep inside India.

Buy: Indian Handicrafts Online
Research & Archive: Indian Crafts

Reopen dialogue & Educate masses
Bring handicrafts back to public memory and debate,such that they remain a part of policy making.

Sell handcrafted produce
Bring business and opportunities to craftsmen and improve their financial situation.

See Beyond the artifact
Tell the tales, traditions and process associated with the craft.

Research and Archive
Build an ultimate online self & people sourced knowledge resource for crafts. A resource that is only partially monitored.

Co-create with buyer and artisan
Highlight utility and malleability of craft to create contemporary artifacts/experiences. Help the artisan create modern day relevant designs, a combination of contemporary and ethnic

Maintain Transparency
Keep all the good practices intact and all processes humane, just and ecologically balanced with regular disclosures.
